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CPhI Russia @ IPhEB, St. Petersburg

CPhI Russia @ IPhEB, St. Petersburg

Register now for the FREE Expo pass

There has never been a better time to do business in the Russian, CIS and CEE markets. With the Russian government’s 2020 plan in place, the region’s pharmaceutical industry is boosted to strengthen and advance both the industry and the market by investing in drug development and health insurance.

CPhI Russia @ IPhEB, taking place 16 & 17 April in St. Petersburg, with newly co-located ICSE for contract services, InnoPack for packaging and P-MEC for machinery and technology, make for the perfect one stop pharma shop if you’re looking to do business in Russia. With an exhibition hosting companies from the entire pharmaceutical supply chain and a conference forum that offers unique insights into the Russian pharma market, this platform was specifically set up to provide pharma companies from around the world a place to network and do business with the Russian, CIS and CEE regions.

Register now for the FREE Expo pass or use code DRU11263 for a 10% discount on the Delegate and Business passes.

Text: © CPhI Russia

CPhi, CPhI Russia, IPhEB, Messe Russland, Messe Labor

L&M 2 / 2014

Diese Artikel wurden veröffentlicht in Ausgabe L&M 2 / 2014.
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