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FEE 2016 Post Show

Forensics industry gathers in London for FEE

From crime scene investigation and court room evidence, to lab equipment and digital analysis, Forensics Europe Expo is the only place for leading professionals to see the latest products and services in action.
The 2016 saw over 2,000 visitors head to London for a two-day event showcasing the latest forensic technology.
The exhibition was the largest to date with over 70 UK and International exhibitors across the entire forensic sector with many companies giving tutorial-style presentations on the show floor. Technology on display ranged from handheld devised used at crime scenes to search for blood traces, benchtop microscopes in the examination of gunshot residue and mobile phone forensics with camera ballistics and the benefits this brings to investigations.
The recent attempts to unlock San Bernardino terrorist, Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone sparked additional interest on Israeli exhibitor Cellebrite’s stand. With reports that the cybersecurity firm was closely involved in the task of helping the FBI in their investigations, visitors to the 2016 show were keen to see the latest solutions and technology in Digital Forensics.
Other high-profile exhibitors included Access Data, Foster + Freeman, Nuix, Oxygen Forensics, Qualtrax and Tetra Scene of Crime.

Conference programme brings together leading experts across the forensics field

One of the main attractions of this year’s event was the high-level co-located conference programme, organised in collaboration with the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences.
The conference was well received with over 145 delegates attending sessions across both days.
The first day of the conference centred on setting standards across the international forensic area. With news this year that the Home Office was taking steps to launch a new forensics and biometrics service (four years after the closure of its predecessor), fears that current methods of forensic testing were becoming too fragmented prompted greater calls for stability and regulation in the field.
The morning session was opened by Tom Nelson, Director of the Scottish Police Authority, who asked the question: what can the International Forensic Arena learn from the Scottish model and how the rest of the world can learn from its development?
International speakers included Dr Michel Smithius, Director for NRGD Bureau & Secretary of the Board of Court Experts who took a close look at current developments in the European forensic arena and the possible limitations for mutual recognition of forensic evidence between EU Member States.
With the number of mobile devises now exceeding the human population, the topic of Digital Forensics was high on the agenda with many experts in the field discussing the latest digital and computer forensic technology.
In today’s modern world, criminals are able to invade a crime-scene without even leaving their front room. As technology becomes more advanced, so do the methods of individuals seeking to do harm. Learning how to counter mass digital attacks is becoming critical if we are to remain safe.
Bringing together leading experts across the field, the second day of the conference at Forensics Europe Expo examined the most current issues facing modern forensic professionals, police forces and law enforcement agencies in the fight against cyber-crime and international terrorism.
Complementing the show’s co-location at Security & Counter Terror Expo, Detective Chief Inspector Dominic Murphy (Head of Digital Investigation, Metropolitan Police) discussed some of the challenges facing counter terrorist professionals and how forensic innovation, both conventional and digital, can support the on-going response to the terrorist threat.
“CCTV plays an ever increasing role in all police and military investigations and is extensively used for Intelligence and evidential purposes…”
The afternoon session on Day 2 focussed on forensic video analysis and was well attended by individuals with an interest in digital forensic solutions. Speakers include Dr Josh P Davis (University of Greenwich) who examined recent research demonstrating that Metropolitan Police super-recognisers, who have made large numbers of suspect identifications from visual images, may be successfully used in other operational tasks, such as searching for targets in CCTV footage of crowd scenes.


Forensics Europe Expo will return to London on 3rd and 4th May 2017 at London Olympia. To register your interest, please visit the website at www.forensicseuropeexpo.com
If you are interested in booking at stand and the show, please contact Rob Lozowski at rob.lozowski@clarionevents.com or Tel. +44 (0)20 7384 7835


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